The smoothness and lighting is just fabulous. The new Cessna is fabulous, Haven’t copied across my add-on aircraft yet from 10,51 yet so may find some glitches.
My PFC HID plugins for by Cirrus Pro Console have no issues. I must say I don’t know if I am a lucky one or whether it is just my system but 11 has just worked straight out of the box for me and it is absolutely fabulous.
(I think everyone reading this blog knows this, but you also don’t have to reinstall to get another 15 minute demo.) In particular, in beta 1, if something is messed up, reinstalling isn’t going to fix it beta 2 is going to fix it! (Or maybe beta 3. So you can just clean out your prefs, make sure the files are up to date and not modified, and you’re good to go. It doesn’t set any registry settings or other hidden voodoo that can only be fixed by reinstall. Our installer just dumps files on your disk.
If you’ve modified a file by accident it will ask if you want to replace it. To get X-Plane back to its clean state, you can do this: In particular, if you haven’t installed an add-on, you definitely never need to reinstall. You almost never need to reinstall X-Plane to fix these kinds of things.